Instructor: Nick Briz

If you don't know what the software you're using is for, then you're not using it, but being used by it.Douglas Rushkoff

Basic Information

SAIC Coding Club, Fall 2023

Date: Thursday, December 7th 2023, 3:30pm-5:30pm


112 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL

MC400 (AT/SP Flex Space)

Off-Campus Guests (Non-SAIC) !important

DEADLINE: Tuesday, November 21st!!

Please register for the event if your are NOT a SAIC student or faculty.

(You will NOT be able to attend the workshop if not registered. Don’t worry, if you sign up and unexpected plans come up and you can’t attend, that is totally okay.)

Bring an official ID!!!

Non-SAIC guests are ALL required to have an official ID when given a guest pass. If you have any questions about this prior to the event please see the contact section at the bottom of this page. :)
